As the need for engineers and scientists increases, educators are scrambling to get people engaged in the extremely intimidating world of technology.SeeBox, an interactive gaming console, is the product that could help newcomers overcome this hurdle. The concept of the Scientific Engineering and Education Box (SeeBox) is devilishly simple: connect the device to a PC, tablet or phone, launch the game app and then start experimenting.
Inside the SeeBox there are six different electrical instruments: a digital storage oscilloscope, a spectrum analyser, a logic analyser, a programmable waveform generator, a digital pattern generator and a programmable power supply. The software side of things is covered by two packages: SeeBox Measure and SeeBox Play. Measure turns the SeeBox into an electronic measurement instrument, while Play asks users to solve problems on hardware called “Playboards”, so they can advance to the next stage in the game.